« Rhapsody on a Well-Loved Cliche MAIN My Father's Day Sermon: "What Do You Know?" »

June 10, 2010

Why We Require Theologians

A friend from bygone days tells me why she is put out with most of the churches of her denomination. "There is this male/female thing. You cannot tell me that God in Heaven would rather have a fat, bloated, smug, egotistical know-it-all man as pastor of a church instead of a sharp Godly woman."

I did not argue with that, and in fact, find that hard to argue with, if those are the choices.

If we asked, she has scripture to back up her position, too. The Apostle Paul put it like this: "For as many of you as are baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free; there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:27-28)

Open and shut case, right? Not hardly.

It's true Paul said those things. The problem is he said a lot of other things too. He told how he does not allow women to speak in church (I Corinthians 14:34), cautions women who are prophesying (without ever telling precisely what that means) to cover their heads (I Corinthians 11:5), and then he really does it. The reason the man does not have to cover his head is "he is the image and glory of God," whereas the woman "is the glory of man" (I Corinthians 11:7).

He said it and left it that way for us to deal with it the best we could.

The next time you hear someone panning the Bible as the result of some council that got together and made all this up, ask why they didn't take the hard places out, but left them in to befuddle us for the rest of time.

This, I say, is a huge reason we have theologians: to figure out what to do with scriptures that seem to be very clear on their face but which seem to say opposite things.

A book of theology, a professor of theology, a class on the subject, should do two critical things: give us the big picture so we can see what God is doing and why, and then deal with the details sufficiently to assure us they all fit together in some kind of pre-conceived whole.

Question for discussion this morning: Are there contradictions in the Bible?

And I don't mean clerical stuff, where two scribes copied texts referring to a biblical battle and wrote down contradictory numbers of warriors on the field or fatalities in the morgue.

By contradictions, I mean those places where the Bible appears to be teaching opposite truths.

A few examples, none of which I will try to resolve, to guide our thinking....

--Are we saved by faith only? Ephesians 2:8-9 says so. Are we saved by works? James 2:14-26 seems to say that is the case.

--Is water baptism essential to salvation? John 3:16 leaves it out. But Acts 2:38 puts it in.

--Are musical instruments a part of healthy worship? A hundred references in Psalms would say so. But Ephesians 5:19, one of the few New Testament references to worship music, makes no mention of them.

--Is the Bible itself the Word of God? II Timothy 3:15-17 seems to leave no question. But II Peter 1:21 says God used "holy men of old" to pen it.

--We should do good works and keep them to ourselves (Matthew 6:1). But in the preceding chapter, Jesus tells us to so work that "others may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven" (Matthew 5:16).

Entire books have been written listing all the seeming contradictions that people have found in the Bible.

Entire libraries have been written to answer them.

It's why theologians will never be out of a job.

We need people who know all the Bible and who think well about these things to help us figure them out.

After all, if God were to write a book--and that's what we believe we hold in our hands--it's no stretch to think there would be things in it hard to understand.

It's why C. S. Lewis will remain popular as long as a single Christian walks this earth. He helped us think through many of these matters that were befuddling us.

Let me present a metaphor for your consideration. See if this shines any light on the matter of believers and preachers and entire denominations disputing scriptures and truths.

Suppose in a living room there is an elephant. He is 600 pounds and invisible.

For our purposes, the elephant represents God's Truth through Jesus Christ.

Okay, with me now?

And suppose that the believers in the room can see him, although vaguely. "As through a mirror," Paul puts it (I Corinthians 13:12). Some see more clearly than others. New believers are just starting to behold and are awe-struck.

In the room, strangers (outsiders, unbelievers, seekers, whatever we wish to call them) come and go. They see no elephant, but they hear us talking about the elephant in the room.

Some are interested and some aren't. Some think we are delusional, but others want to know if there is such a Truth. They stop to investigate.

What puzzles the seekers is the way believers in the room are saying contradictory things about the elephant. Not everything, but some things. They agree on the vast majority of aspects, but disagree on numerous details.

A fellow standing in the doorway to the dining room points toward the center of the living room and says, "There he is." Across the room, a man near the foyer is pointing in the opposite direction, saying, "No, the elephant is there."

Someone has a grasp of the elephant's tail and builds an entire system of elephantology from that. Likewise, the guy who has a hold on his trunk. Those standing near the huge legs or the massive sides wonder how the other guys could be so mistaken.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, and the seemingly contradictory teachings are merely pointing from their locations to that reality.

At a meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, the thousands of messengers were doing what we do best: holding an open business meeting where anyone who wished could walk to a microphone and address the huge throng.

The subject was some theological issue that was threatening to divide our body. Few were neutral, most speakers had strong opinions, and each side was accusing the other of not loving the Lord or believing the Word sufficiently.

A man at one of the microphones was recognized to speak. He identified himself as Bob Franklin, and said, "Years ago, when I was growing up on an Alabama farm, sometimes our calf would get out of the fence and my dad would keep me out of school to help him look. On one occasion we were combing the woods in search of that heifer. We came to where the hollow divided with a ridge in the middle. My dad said, 'Son, you go that way and I'll go this way. Because I just have a feeling that calf could be on both sides of this ridge."

The truth often is somewhere in between the stances we take.

That's why we need a major helping of humility and dependence on the Holy Spirit when we come to understand and interpret the Word of the Lord.

It's why we need to cut slack to those who see things differently from us.

And it's why we need not to be so hard and fast in our views on matters where good and sincere people differ lest we wound a brother or sister and be found in error.

This, some will be encouraged to know, is not a new problem. Believers have wrestled with these issues from the beginning. We are forever indebted to the Apostle Peter for pointing this out in an unforgettable way. There is nothing else in the Bible quite like this:

"Consider that the longsuffering of God is salvation--as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they also do the rest of the Scriptures" (II Peter 3:15-16).

The next time you hear some well-intentioned believer cavalierly dismiss all controversy regarding what the Bible says because "it means what it says and says what it means," I suggest you don't respond. You're listening to someone who has never really read his Bible.

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« Rhapsody on a Well-Loved Cliche MAIN My Father's Day Sermon: "What Do You Know?" »

Great stuff. Two comments.

First, your comments are so important for pastors who don't wrestle with theology and difficult passages. They dismiss the difficulties or treat them in a cavalier manner. Pastors must do the work of theology. While not everyone is a Greek or Hebrew scholar, we should know how to sort and sift through the stuff and come to some conclusions. Whenever I hear a pastor say (and I've heard it many times), "Well, I'm no theologian . . . ." I want to shout, "Then shut up and sit down!" (though I would never really do that). Theology is hard work, but it's good work and well worth the effort.

Second, and adding balance to the first, is that humility is crucial. Joe, I'm so glad you talked about Christians treating each other so poorly. All the rhetoric and inflammatory nonsense hurled by Christians toward Christians speak volumes about the hurlers' theology. It's no good. Oh, they might understand deep biblical truth, but truth not applied is pretty much worthless.

So, I guess my plea is that we will do the hard work of theology and the hard work of loving each other. If we do, then I think the fruit will be bountiful and beautiful.

Posted by: Mike Miller at June 10, 2010 05:31 PM

Yes, there are contradictions in the Bible. If you are looking for peacemakers to be your children, give them something to fight about. Our God is a genius! The contradictions can be explained, but it's not easy to communicate. The first contradiction you listed is not a contradiction at all. We Christians simply got hung up on the metaphor James used and missed the deeds James pointed to as necessary for salvation. James did not point to feeding and clothing the poor as a deed necessary for faith, he pointed to Abraham's deed of offering his son Isaac on the altar, a deed that proved Abraham believed God raises the dead, and Rahab protecting the spies, a deed that proved Rahab believed God would give Israel the land he promised them. Saying we have faith in God without doing the kind of deeds Abraham and Rahab did avails as much as telling a hungry man be full and doing about his physical needs.

Posted by: Teena L Myers at June 10, 2010 11:36 PM

My fear is that the SBC is not using the 2000 BFM with the spirit you are showing here. I greatly admire the preface to the 1963 version and feel we made a great mistake in losing that wonderful statement of Baptist belief.

Posted by: Perry Lassiter at June 11, 2010 04:40 AM

When preachers might confuse people is claiming they "theologically" KNOW something. i.e. "You cannot be saved under preaching that is not from the KJV of the Bible. There is none other. I know a preacher who has taught his congregation just that. I worked in a Christian Bookstore where KJV is ALL they wanted and felt they had the Scripture to prove it. One man said, he wanted the KJV, the one that Jesus used. I told him we actually had Bibles in Greek and Hebrew, just not in a scroll form. Joe, I'm bad. LOL

Posted by: Lara at June 11, 2010 05:20 AM

One great professor said that our own preconceived contradictions in the Bible, begins with our own preconceived assumptions.

Posted by: Doug at June 14, 2010 10:45 PM

With respect sir, I heartily disagree with your premise and with your advice to folks.

When we encounter an apparent contradiction in the text of our Bible it simply means that there is something we read and understood incorrectly and we need to analyze the problem and find out what the truth is not just dismiss the “contradiction” as too hard to understand.

Take for example your first example of Eph 2:8-9 and James 2:14-26, first we have to decide which one were reading and understanding correctly. Eph says we are saved through faith not by works, John 3:16 says that we simply believe and you have eternal life, Acts 16:31 says the same and those are just a couple of examples.

If we read James to say eternal life is by works then it does indeed contradict the weight of scripture. However to dismiss, ignore or accept this apparent contradiction surely is not a good option for us as teachers conveying truth nor is it by any means a good thing for us to tell those we teach either! Yes James 2:14-26 is probably the most debated passage in the New Testament, but that doesn’t mean that we as just normal folk, or slightly more informed teachers, understand it and allow it to fit properly into the rest of the New Testament’s theology.

Rather than go into an extensive eschatological dissertation on each verse I will simply point out that if we notice that in the whole of the rest of James the word ‘save’ is never used to describe the redemption from eternal damnation, but instead is used throughout as deliverance from physical death! So why would it be different in 14-26? Next we can notice that in 14 -17 John is giving us an example of faith replacing work in our life and how that doesn’t really work out temporally, our faith literally will not bring someone without clothing and food these things without our actions to back it, ergo our faith is dead to that person. And we can go on and notice that in the rest of the passage, the faith in question needs works not for God, but for man, just as Paul points out over in Rom 4:2 that Abraham’s faith and work combined gave him his righteous standing, not before God (his faith alone did that) but before man, which is the whole point of James 2.

I do not think it is too much to ask of ourselves or others to read or to think a little deeper and in greater context than the immediate passage in question.

Posted by: Trent at June 21, 2010 07:45 PM

Galatians 1:11-12

11 I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

I strongly convinced that Jesus in the time of Paul is the same God, the Alpha and the Omega. So far, among my friends, commentaries, books all theologians themselves never comes to a point of agreement regarding the bible except the 66book authors theologians from Gen to Rev. So without malice God knows why should I need theologians in my own time and the coming time.

Where infact, I understand now the maturity teaching from Melchizedek.

Lets met together both in the Jugdement Seat of Christ and in the White Throne Judgement. See you all theologians sooner or later

Posted by: Ramel Piorac at June 22, 2010 11:42 AM

Galatians 1:11-12

11 I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

I am strongly convinced that Jesus in the time of Paul is the same God, the Alpha and the Omega. So far, among my friends, commentaries, books all theologians themselves never comes to a point of agreement regarding the bible except the 66book authors theologians from Gen to Rev. So without malice God knows why should I need theologians in my own time and the coming time.

Where infact, I understand now the maturity teaching from Melchizedek.

Lets met together both in the Jugdement Seat of Christ and in the White Throne Judgement. See you all theologians sooner or later

Posted by: Ramel Piorac at June 22, 2010 11:45 AM

Let me share my response to the last two, Trent and Ramel.

My response to Ramel came back from the internet. So apparently he put an error in his address. I simply said I was trying to get people to think, but apparently all I did was make him angry. And I'm sorry for that.

What I said to Trent was that he is responding to what he thought I said, not to what I said.I suggested he keep my article and his response for a time, then go back and reread them and I think he will see. Easy to misread people. We should be careful. One wonders if much of the argumentation in Christian circles today is because we go off half-cocked before truly hearing what the other guy is saying.

Posted by: Joe McKeever at June 22, 2010 01:06 PM