« Twas the week before the Billy Graham Crusade | MAIN | The wind is blowing in New Orleans » |
This appeared today in Rick Warren's MinistryToolBox at Pastors.com:
In the middle of another masterpiece, Leonardo da Vinci laid down his brushes and oils to answer the knock at the door. There stood a neighbor who was having trouble with the water line at his house. He wondered if the great Leonardo - a genius who seemed to know something about everything - could take a look at it.The artist walked away from his easel, picked up his tools and followed the distressed man home. We assume the pipes got repaired, but alas, to this day that masterpiece stands unfinished.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge is said to have had gifts rivaling Shakespeare. On one occasion in the summer of 1797, while in poor health, Coleridge awakened from sleep with a lengthy poem filling his mind, the verses already worked out. He merely needed to write it down.
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« Twas the week before the Billy Graham Crusade | MAIN | The wind is blowing in New Orleans » |