« The Truth About Your Pastor. Probably. MAIN When People Scoff at Your Christian Faith »

April 19, 2004

As Seen On...

Two articles hit the web this week:

I Love Hospital Visitation—Sort Of
Christianity Today - Leadership Journal, Winter 2004

    When did you learn to love visiting people in the hospital? I enjoy everything about pastoring but that." Carl had returned to the local seminary for a postgraduate degree following a three-year pastorate in another state. When he and his wife Pam joined our church, he asked if I could mentor him. In our first session, he confessed to disliking hospital visitation and asked his question.

Times-Picayune - April 18, 2004

    After a pastorate of 14 years, the Rev. Joe McKeever is leaving First Baptist Church of Kenner. "One of the things I'm going to miss most is working with such a wonderful group of people," McKeever said. "I'm going to miss the laughter and the willingness of the people at First Baptist to work." McKeever, 64, will take over May 17 as director of missions for the Baptist Association of New Orleans.

Leadership Cartoons by Joe McKeever -- Cartoon Illustrations for Church Bulletins, Newsletters, Presentations, and more...
« The Truth About Your Pastor. Probably. MAIN When People Scoff at Your Christian Faith »